A country garden for a large charity. East Sussex.
Set in the rolling country side and oast houses of East Sussex, this contemporary country garden by James Innes Design creates a calm, comforting space that connects visitors to the site with nature and place.
The Masterplan
The design creates a beautiful space to provide emotional and aesthetic comfort for staff, families, and patients at this Hospice.
Embrace – the garden space needs to embrace – to create a welcoming feeling of security, peace, and serenity. It must be a place people want to spend time in and one in which they will always find room for themselves.
Comfort– the garden also needs to reflect the difficult emotional journey of the families and staff. The Cottage Hospice site is calm, but the experience inside the rooms is likely to be intense and often emotionally difficult. The garden needs to create a feeling of comfort.
Sense of place – rooting the gardens to the landscape and architecture of this special part of East Sussex. The rural and agricultural history needs to be woven into the legacy of this garden.
Nature - this garden needs to be sustainable in its design, supporting wildlife, biodiversity, and a broader contribution to a better natural environment.
The Design
The new design creates a secluded orchard set in a wildflower meadow. The seating accessible from a meandering path provides a place to escape, shedding the emotions, and finding renewal.
Delivering the exceptional
The design also creates avenues of garden that stretch out into the site, providing private focal points for gardens on the top floor.
The new design creates an enclosed space at the top of the site with path access that has views across the new garden and into a framed view of the Oast houses in the countryside beyond.